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Blagovna znamka: CMT
Šifra: CMT90719011
  • Premer (Ø) (mm): 19
  • Celotna dolžina (mm): 59
  • Delovna dolžina (mm): 15,9
  • Število zob: 2
  • Vpetje: 8 mm
  • Rezalni kot (º): 3
  • Enota (kos/set): 1/1
Podrobnejši opis
2 kos na zalogi
Redna cena: 38,60 €
Popust: 5%
36,67 € z DDV
Dodaj med priljubljene
Dodaj v primerjavo
Premer (Ø) (mm) 19
Celotna dolžina (mm) 59
Delovna dolžina (mm) 15,9
Vpetje 8 mm
Enota (kos/set) 1/1
Rezalni kot (º) 3
Število zob 2


3 in 1 flush trim bits for MDF/laminates

3 in 1 new flush trim bits with Delrin® triangular bearings are your best partner for laminate trimming. In fact they solve 3 of the most common problems that occur in flush trimming in cabinet shops.

1) The anti-stick properties of the Delrin® bearing greatly reduces the likelihood of freezing of the bearing from glue.
2) The extended guide surface of the new Delrin® bearing will perfectly match the work surface without scratching like the steel bearing would. The Delrin® bearing also guarantees maximum stability.
3) The shear angle cutting edge reduces the need for filing. 3 in 1 bits are ideal on plastic laminates as well as aluminium laminates!

3-in-1 bits are ideal on plastic laminates, as well as on aluminium laminates!

Bearing is patented. Patent no. D628,218.
-Extended guide surface.
-Non-scratch surface.

Perfect trimming with the conical edges!

Thanks to the innovative conical edges of this bit you will always get perfect cuts even after re-sharpening. In fact, the most popular problem you have with the standard flush trim bits is the undersize diameter after re-sharpening which leaves the mark on the material; now with the new CMT construction you could re-sharpen up to six times without any problem. Just remember to adjust your bit up or down.

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