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KREG® Accu-Cut™ Vodilo za krožno žago

Blagovna znamka: Kreg
Šifra: KMA2700
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Vaš mesečni obrok že od 18,86€

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2 kos na zalogi
Redna cena: 121,00 €
Popust: 15%
102,85 € z DDV
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Product information "KREG® Accu-Cut"

Guide rail (Accu-Cut)

Straight and precise cuts without tears made easy.

Start your projects with straight, accurate cuts without tears with your circular saw and the Accu-Cut. This enables longitudinal and cross cuts as well as angled cuts (up to 1220 mm) in plywood, MDF and other large boards. With a simple setup, you can achieve high accuracy with excellent controllability.

Advantages & Features:

  • Longitudinal and cross cuts as well as angled cuts (up to 1220 mm) in plywood, MDF and boards
  • Simply line up the guide rail according to your markings for accurate cuts.
  • Thanks to the non-slip guide strips, you can fix the rail without any clamps.
  • Avoid tears with specially developed strips that protect the workpiece during cutting.
  • The starting block makes it easier to start the cut by supporting the saw and allowing the saw blade guard to be used smoothly.
  • Almost all circular saws can be attached to the universal slide with a right or left saw blade.
  • The universal slide can be used with the Rip-Cut .


  • The carriage can be attached to all hand-held circular saws that offer the option of tightening the two clamping screws on the front edge of the base plate. (Does not work for Bosch GKT55GCE)

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