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Magnetic Stud Finder

Blagovna znamka: Kreg
Šifra: KMM1000
Podrobnejši opis
5 kos na zalogi
Redna cena: 15,01 €
Popust: 15%
12,76 € z DDV
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Product information "Magnetic Stud Finder"

The fast, easy way to find studs. With a simple and intuitive design, the Kreg Magnetic Stud Finder is a pocket-friendly way to hit the mark every time. Featuring strong rare earth magnets, the Magnetic Stud Finder offers reliable indication on wood and metal studs. A hi-viz bubble level and precision marking notch make it easy to anchor cabinets, shelves, and more. And because the Magnetic Stud Finder is battery-free and hangs hands-free on the wall, you can work confidently and quickly without the worry of inaccurate results or having to use just one hand.


  • Two powerful magnets find screws and nails
  • Holds hands-free on the wall
  • Hi-viz level ensures laser accuracy
  • Ergonomic design with anti-slip pads
  • Precision-centered marking notches
  • Works on wood and metal studs

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